Welcome to “At Home with the Stars Astrology” and an experience of “As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without.” Welcome to my home. Let me introduce you to my family . . .
As I have come to know the stars and constellations of the night sky I have come to know my place among them and feel at home with them. I invite you to begin this exploration with me, whether through readings over the phone, in person, or through the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School classes, now rebranded as the Turning of the Ages Mystery School.
My home lies in the desert of Southern Arizona. On most nights I have a good view of the sky; actually a superb view! When I was little my dad got a reflecting telescope for me and we’d look at the moon and planets together, right from this very same front yard.
I watch the stars rise over the three hills to the east in front of my house, and set over the hill behind the house. I watch the planets, the wanderers; watch as the moon touches them each month when they are visible. I watch the moon as it grows from tiny crescent to quarter to full then back to balsamic. The cycles have become more apparent to me as I watch them. I can imagine how the ancient people, with no TV, no computer, enjoyed the night sky.
I engage with the celestial timings, the sun rise and set at Equinox and Solstices, the rise and set of the “Extreme Moon” at Lunar Standstill, through ceremony at my humble stone circle on the hill.
Celebrating these rhythms of the Sun and Moon and planets attunes me to the inner rhythms of the earth to the sky, to my own and others’ “cycles of becoming.”
As a certified Shamanic Astrologer and member in good standing of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School, I share the following Vision Statement.
My home lies in the desert of Southern Arizona. On most nights I have a good view of the sky; actually a superb view! When I was little my dad got a reflecting telescope for me and we’d look at the moon and planets together, right from this very same front yard.
I watch the stars rise over the three hills to the east in front of my house, and set over the hill behind the house. I watch the planets, the wanderers; watch as the moon touches them each month when they are visible. I watch the moon as it grows from tiny crescent to quarter to full then back to balsamic. The cycles have become more apparent to me as I watch them. I can imagine how the ancient people, with no TV, no computer, enjoyed the night sky.
I engage with the celestial timings, the sun rise and set at Equinox and Solstices, the rise and set of the “Extreme Moon” at Lunar Standstill, through ceremony at my humble stone circle on the hill.
Celebrating these rhythms of the Sun and Moon and planets attunes me to the inner rhythms of the earth to the sky, to my own and others’ “cycles of becoming.”
As a certified Shamanic Astrologer and member in good standing of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School, I share the following Vision Statement.
_Shamanic Astrology Vision Statement ....

We as Shamanic Astrologers are committed to the fullest expression of life grounded on the foundation of As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without; a life recognizing and celebrating the union between Soul and Spirit, between Land and Sky, between Feminine and Masculine, between Body and Mind and between Shadow and Light.
We are committed to a Life of Service, in facilitating the assistance of any sentient being desiring connection or re-connection to the magical link between Earth and the Heavens. Our highest priority and deepest motivation is love; and it is our love of the Magical connection between Land and Sky, and the Celestial Cycles, which animates our great privilege and joy in participating and co-creating with 'Great Mystery.'
We believe this experience and commitment eliminates fear, separation, power over others, false classes and hierarchies, and other relationships not in accordance with Spirit. We believe this experience and commitment facilitates greater understanding, acceptance, inspiration and support for the joyous fulfillment of our individual and collective destinies. And as in the words of Carl Jung we are committed to participating in "Dreaming the Dream Onward."
Click on this link https://turningoftheages.com/the-totams-astrology-paradigm/ to read the “Eight Main Principles of Shamanic Astrology.”
My home and land lends itself to the Shamanic Astrology course material thanks to it's size (40 acres), remote desert feeling and yet convenient location. Here we have room in which to explore the relationship of earth and sky.
For more information call: (520) 625-5762, cell phone (520) 216-0217.
We are committed to a Life of Service, in facilitating the assistance of any sentient being desiring connection or re-connection to the magical link between Earth and the Heavens. Our highest priority and deepest motivation is love; and it is our love of the Magical connection between Land and Sky, and the Celestial Cycles, which animates our great privilege and joy in participating and co-creating with 'Great Mystery.'
We believe this experience and commitment eliminates fear, separation, power over others, false classes and hierarchies, and other relationships not in accordance with Spirit. We believe this experience and commitment facilitates greater understanding, acceptance, inspiration and support for the joyous fulfillment of our individual and collective destinies. And as in the words of Carl Jung we are committed to participating in "Dreaming the Dream Onward."
Click on this link https://turningoftheages.com/the-totams-astrology-paradigm/ to read the “Eight Main Principles of Shamanic Astrology.”
My home and land lends itself to the Shamanic Astrology course material thanks to it's size (40 acres), remote desert feeling and yet convenient location. Here we have room in which to explore the relationship of earth and sky.
For more information call: (520) 625-5762, cell phone (520) 216-0217.
Client Feedback:
Hi Gael, Your reading was very spot on. You described my ideal partner, perfectly. I've never been able to do that, but you nailed the Leo Moon and Aries thing exactly!! Laura H., Indiana
Hi Gael, Your reading was very spot on. You described my ideal partner, perfectly. I've never been able to do that, but you nailed the Leo Moon and Aries thing exactly!! Laura H., Indiana
Welcome to "Great Mystery"
2014 Articles by Gael Chilson
Cosmic Insights Part 1 - 3 Available for Viewing/Download through below links: ![]()